Do you know I love you?

I sneaked out while Sam is sleeping today. It was nice to walk the street by myself, watching the christmas lights while having a yogurt. I missed these times. With a kid in hand, you can forget about peace and you are particularly in battle mood at all times. Every attempt to duck the christmas crowd is a challenge.

My phone started vibrating. That’s when I noticed 3 missed calls and a recorded message on whatsapp. The recording was from Samuel (via my mum).

“Mummy! Where are you! Mummy! Where are you!”, he chants. Uh oh! I forgot to inform the ‘boss’ the I’m going out tonight. I thought to myself while making the return call. My mum picked up, couple of knocking sounds and I hear baby talk. Samuel has been in and out of this ‘i’m a baby’ mood, he gabbled on with “Mama mimi Mama mimi..”. I told him since I’m not able to understand him, I’m going to hang on.

“Mama, do you know I love you very much. Very, very, very, very much…”. I went all mushy, mooshy. I responded with a weak ok. And he continued to chant. So I explained that I will be home soon. He refused to hang up. Finally I acknowledged him by saying that mummy loves him too. That’s when the happy boy finally sweetly said, “ok, bye..”